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Empower Journalism for Change: Support Critical Reporting in India. Your contributions fuel our mission to spotlight essential stories, sustain quality journalism, and enhance investigative reporting with significant impact.

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Showing 1 - 10 of 27 items

Reinstatement of Lower-Caste Cleaner Suspended for Being Near Hindu Idol

Reinstatement of Lower-Caste Cleaner Suspended for Being Near Hindu Idol

Debraj Barik's reinstatement at Rajendra College, Bolangir, marks a triumph over caste bias. On October 2012, Debraj was suspended by the principal of the college for performing his cleaning duties close to a recently installed Hindu idol, an unpious act given his lower caste. Documenting and advocating Debraj's unjust suspension, Lambodar Takri's video led to community mobilization of 500 people, an official inquiry and his reinstatement. This victory, celebrated by the Dalit (lower caste) community, underscores the impact of media in challenging discrimination and heralds a collective win for social justice.



1470 needed

Women Now Allowed to Work in Government Employment Program

Women Now Allowed to Work in Government Employment Program

Due to the patriarchal attitudes of local authorities, women in Keshavpur village were denied the right to work under the government scheme NREGA (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) despite being legally able to do so. Kesha Devi undertook a campaign to secure employment access for the women of Keshavpur village, using documentaries and filing applications from 25 women with their signatures. The programme officer relented in the face of this pressure and gave work to the women , marking a historic victory for gender equality. This struggle against systemic discrimination showcases the power of community mobilization and awareness in overcoming patriarchal hurdles, leading to transformative change. It also sparked a broader discourse on gender empowerment and inclusive policies in their village.


Uttar Pradesh

850 needed

Lower-Caste Community Regains Water Supply During COVID Lockdown

Lower-Caste Community Regains Water Supply During COVID Lockdown

In Uttar Pradesh's Chandrapura, 19 Musahar families faced a water crisis due to a broken handpump. If they went to neighboring areas to fetch water, they were chased away due to their lower caste. Shabnam Begum's video on their plight led to the pump's repair, bringing clean water to 250 people. This victory against caste discrimination and government apathy highlights the impact of community journalism in mobilizing action and ensuring access to basic needs during the COVID-19 lockdown.


Uttar Pradesh

1100 needed

Teacher Stealing Food from Mouth of Children Suspended

Teacher Stealing Food from Mouth of Children Suspended

In Simaria Village, Chhattisgarh, community journalism by Reena Ramteke led to the restoration of the Mid Day Meal Scheme, thwarting corruption and ensuring over 100 children received proper nutrition. The suspension of a corrupt teacher and the empowerment of the Kalyani Sashakti Samuh mark significant strides toward educational integrity and child welfare, showcasing grassroots advocacy's role in institutional reform.



1470 needed

Human Trafficker Arrested and Put Behind Bars

Human Trafficker Arrested and Put Behind Bars

Navita Devi's relentless pursuit exposes a trafficking ring in Bihar, leading to the arrest of Ameerka Devi. Facing threats and police indifference, Navita's work with NGOs and the community safeguarded countless lives and prevented human exploitation. This victory underscores the importance of grassroots activism in challenging and overcoming deeply entrenched criminal networks, marking a beacon of hope for justice and human dignity.



1870 needed

Sand Mining Mafia Stopped in their Tracks

Sand Mining Mafia Stopped in their Tracks

In 2020-2021, Basharat Amin and Kashmir's community halted illegal sand mining in Ranbiara, Shopian, protecting their ecosystem. Through videos and advocacy, they spotlighted the issue, engaging with officials to arrest 5 people and seize their machinery. This story exemplifies the power of media and community activism in safeguarding environmental justice.


Jammu and Kashmir

1400 needed

After 400 Years Women Finally Granted Access to Temple Sanctum

After 400 Years Women Finally Granted Access to Temple Sanctum

In 2016, Rohini Pawar shattered a 400-year-old tradition in Veer, Maharashtra, leading women into the temple's sanctum for the first time. Religious beliefs around menstruation making women's bodies impure persist across India. Through community dialogues, a compelling documentary, and strategic activism, Pawar galvanized support and overcame religious and gender-based discrimination. Her efforts, amplified by media, prompted the temple's trust to grant access, benefitting 3000 locals and symbolizing a wider shift towards gender equality in religious practices.



850 needed

Laborers Receive Overdue Wages from Government

Laborers Receive Overdue Wages from Government

After an 18-month wait, 250 laborers in Khagrabari, West Bengal, received overdue MGNREGA wages, thanks to Bikash Barman's advocacy. Documenting their plight led to administrative action, resolving systemic payment delays and highlighting the power of collective action and media in ensuring labor rights


West Bengal

850 needed

Maternity Benefits Disbursed to 12,000 Mothers

Maternity Benefits Disbursed to 12,000 Mothers

Chetan Salve's advocacy in Maharashtra's Nandurbar district culminated in a policy correction, granting 12,000 women maternal health benefits under Manav Vikas Yojana. After revealing administrative oversights relating to the date cut off for eligibility, Salve's advocacy resulted in financial support for economically marginalized mothers, highlighting community journalism's role in effecting systemic change



1870 needed

Road Construction Commences After Journalism Report

Road Construction Commences After Journalism Report

The commencement of road construction in Mamrejpur village, Block Chenari Panchayat Malhipur, Bihar, marks a significant improvement in the village infrastructure after two decades. Following a broadcast on Mobile Vaani and a concerted effort by the community to petition the Block Development Officer, the road construction project was expedited. This report quantifies the economic impact of this intervention on the community.



1000 needed

Showing 1 - 10 of 27 items