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Human Trafficker Arrested and Put Behind Bars



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Navita Devi's relentless pursuit exposes a trafficking ring in Bihar, leading to the arrest of Ameerka Devi. Facing threats and police indifference, Navita's work with NGOs and the community safeguarded countless lives and prevented human exploitation. This victory underscores the importance of grassroots activism in challenging and overcoming deeply entrenched criminal networks, marking a beacon of hope for justice and human dignity.

Report illustration

This report documents the impactful intervention led by Community Correspondent Navita Devi in Bihar's Katihar district, disrupting a deeply entrenched human trafficking network. Through diligent investigative work and advocacy, Navita's efforts led to the arrest of Ameerka Devi, a central figure in the trafficking operation. This intervention not only prevented further exploitation of vulnerable individuals but also highlighted the critical need for vigilance and action against human trafficking in socio-economically disadvantaged regions.


  • Value of rescuing a victim estimated at $16,000
  • 100 victims saved from exploitation due to the ring being broken up
  • 30% probability this outcome would have occurred even without Video Volunteers


  1. Prevention of Trafficking: The story states Navita Devi had already trafficked over 100 victims. Considering the justice served and future crimes averted, we estimate the benefit of arresting the ring leader of the operation at 100 victims saved. OECD data estimates 2 million women and children are trafficked annually in an industry worth $32 billion, yielding an average amount of $16,000 per victim rescued.

    Total Benefit: $16,000 * 100 = $1.6 million

    2. Awareness and Deterrence: Enhanced community awareness regarding the dangers of human trafficking and the mechanisms for protection and legal recourse; potential deterrence of future trafficking activities; strengthened resolve and potential policy shifts by local law enforcement to combat trafficking more effectively estimated at $25,000

    Total: $1.6 million + $25,000 = $1,625,000


Video Volunteers correspondent Navita played a significant role in mobilizing action, confronting the human trafficking ring leader Ameerka Devi on camera, the police that were suspected to be taking bribes from their operation and mobilizing the community to overcome fear and file police reports. We estimate only a 30% chance that this outcome would have happened even without Navita's intervention.

Benefit is 70% of $1,625,000 = $1,137,500

Cost of Story is $1870, obtained by dividing the annual budget for video volunteers in 2017-19 ($883,658) with the total number of impact reports they produced in those years (472). 

Benefit Cost Ratio is $1,137,500 divided by $1870 which is 608.28


Navita Devi's campaign against the human trafficking network in Katihar District has demonstrated exceptional effectiveness, with a substantial benefit-to-cost ratio of a staggering 608.28. This intervention not only saved hundreds from the perils of trafficking but also empowered the community with knowledge and resources to combat such exploitative practices. The successful arrest of a key trafficker marks a pivotal step towards justice and underscores the vital role of community journalism and advocacy in addressing and preventing human trafficking.